Programme Documentation

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  • Investor Relations

ABN AMRO issues funding and capital instruments under various short and long term programmes. This section provides an overview of the various programmes currently in use as well as former versions thereof.

Short Term Programmes

Commercial paper is a form of unsecured, short-term debt typically issued at a discount without a coupon and maturing at face value, reflecting current interest rates.


Last Update

Max Maturity

Programme Size


Euro Commercial Paper

16 Dec 2022

364 days (1)

EUR 25bn

US Commercial Paper

01 Jun 2019

270 days (2)

USD 5bn

Footnotes: (1) Issuance shall not exceed 364 days from and including the date of issue; (2) Issuances up to 270 days from the date of issue

Long Term Programmes

Select a calendar year to access the relevant programme documentation including the respective supplements. The Registration Document (RD) and the Securities Note (SN) combined form a base prospectus.

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