Bilateral communication with shareholders

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Policy on Bilateral Contacts with Shareholders.

ABN AMRO recognises the importance of bilateral communication with its (potential) shareholders and holders of depositary receipts. In order to facilitate such bilateral communication, the Executive Board of ABN AMRO has adopted, with the approval of its Supervisory Board, a Policy on Bilateral Contacts with Shareholders in accordance with best practice provision 4.2.2 of the Dutch corporate governance code. Please see for further information the Policy on Bilateral Contacts with Shareholders​.


ABN AMRO entered into a relationship agreement (the Relationship Agreement) with stichting administratiekantoor beheer financiële instellingen (NLFI), which amongst other things, contains certain arrangements regarding the provision of information by ABN AMRO to NLFI. These arrangements aim to allow NLFI to satisfy its obligations under relevant laws (including the Wet stichting administratiekantoor beheer financiële instellingen (the NLFI Act)) and regulations and its articles of association and to comply with any requests of the Dutch Minister of Finance. The information rights of NLFI under the Relationship Agreement apply for as long as NLFI holds (directly or indirectly) at least one-third of the shares in ABN AMRO's issued share capital.

For more information on the Relationship Agreement, please be referred to the webpage Shareholder Structure or to the full text of the Relationship Agreement​.


For ABN AMRO a defence structure has been implemented whereby the independent Stichting Administratiekantoor Continuïteit ABN AMRO Bank (STAK AAB) the holder is of shares in ABN AMRO's issued share capital and has issued depositary receipts (certificaten) representing such shares. The depositary receipts can be traded on Euronext Amsterdam. ABN AMRO may have bilateral conversations and share information with STAK AAB, if – in the opinion of ABN AMRO – this is in the best interest of ABN AMRO and its business. This may occur in particular if it is deemed necessary or advisable by ABN AMRO with a view to STAK AAB making a well-informed decision with respect to (potentially) exercising its rights under section 2:118a Dutch Civil Code and the trust conditions (administratievoorwaarden).

For more information, please see the Policy on Bilateral Contacts with Shareholders referred to above and the STAK AAB website.


For any requests for contact with ABN AMRO in relation to the above or any questions about the Policy on Bilateral Contacts with Shareholders or in relation to ABN AMRO shares, its strategy, activities or financial results, please contact Investor Relations at